BLACK TANGO, a son of Invincible Army

Trainer: Alice Haynes Race type: Flat
Age: 2 yr old Description: bay Colt
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Share Available - 2.5%

The following share prices include: Purchase price, sales house & bloodstock agents commission, 'GBB Bonus' registration (if applicable), vetting, transport and training fees until 31 Mar 2025:
5% share available @ £4,700 upfront and £205 per month from 1st April 2025
2.5% share available @ £2,350 upfront and £107.50 per month from 1st April 2025

Race entries


Action Stations!

When a mare shows the capacity to produce an offspring of the quality of ACTION POINT, there’s every reason to believe she can do it again. Statistically, stallions have dozens and dozens, often hundreds of chances a year to unearth a good one or two, whereas a mare has just the one - statistically she’s the better bet of the two halves of the pedigree to tap into. It’s what we’ve done here with this fantastically well-bred, stunning individual. He moves like a dream & with aplomb, has a great coat on him and we found his temperament impeccable during the time we spent with him at the sale.

We’ve had to dig quite deep at £70,000 to see off the underbidders, George Scott and Amo Racing, presumably teaming up for another 2-year-old superstar - they’re both superb judges of what it takes to source a high-class 2-year-old, so we’d like to think we were in good company.

Alice Haynes has served us brilliantly with black-type performers,  such as LEXINGTON BELLE & ZIGGY’S DREAM who recently finished 3rd at Glorious Goodwood in the Group 3 Oak Tree Stakes, so where better to send this speedy, precocious son of the top-class Invincible Army, than her Newmarket base?

Our Alice Haynes syndicates always prove popular, probably given she’s just about the most upwardly mobile trainer that’s currently Newmarket based, so we’d recommend potential owners to move swiftly in buying shares - it’s ‘action stations’, we’d recommend, should you be looking to take a share in this fabulous half-brother to ACTION POINT, by Invincible Army - the sire of our dual winning 2-year-old & also Tattersalls Somerville Sale's graduate 'The Dragon King'.


He is eligible for the £100,000 Somerville Auction Stakes as well as the ever popular £150,000 Tattersalls October Auction Stakes, and qualifies for a €10,000 'IRE' bonus, should he win a qualifying maiden or novice Stakes race in 2025. You can read more about how it works, here:

Training Update:  Alice is delighted with our son of Invincible Army:"Watch him having a nice half speed up the Railway Land on Saturday. He flicks his toe, did it all very easily - I can't fault him. He has a great attitude and is shaping up well."

Saturday, 08th of February:

Many thanks to Alice and her team of staff to welcome about 30 of our owners on a brisk but beautiful morning at HQ. If you weren't able to attend, or keen to know what an owners morning at Alice's looks like, find a video below: 

Watch a video of him cantering during our owner's morning, Saturday 1st of February. 

Watch him cantering, nice and relax in a bunch of other 2-year-olds:

Watch videos of him on the lunge:




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2, Appleyard Drive
North Lincolnshire
DN18 5TD


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